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A logo saying: Action Life Management: Where passion for Life Vision meets aggressive Time Management

Action Life Management

Where Passion for Life Vision Meets Aggressive Time Management

Image of Action Life Management running on an iPhone 15 Pro Max


Write Your Life Vision

Where there is no vision, the people cast off restraint (and perish). - Proverbs 29:18

Write the vision and make it plain on tablets, that he may run who reads it. - Habakkuk 2:2

Don't squader your destiny! To cast off restraint means to not use our life resources - especially our time - in a way that helps us walk out our life vision. What is your primary purpose in life? Who do you want to become? What is your life vision? Write it out in one to three sentences.

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List Your Assets

What are your primary resources in life? Create lists of assets in different categories - Finances Education Talents/Skills/Gifts Friends/Family/Allies Vocation/Work Experience Rank your skills/talents with a five-star system, import contacts for friends/family/allies and fill in the details of the relationship and what they bring to the table. Education may include college education, high school diploma, certifications, etc.

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Add Your Dreams

Write out a list of your dreams - what do you want to accomplish or have in life? Dreams fall into cateories as well, and are custom color-coded to individual calendars so you know what you're working towards in your schedule. Categories include Vocational Relational Economical Physical Spiritual Avocational Ministry Rest and each catgeory has a default color, which is easily customized with a color picker.

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Set Goals in Alignment with Your Dreams and Life Vision

Use the SMART Goal-Setting Structure - Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-Bound. Decide how long your goal will take to accomplish in months and years. Short-term goals are 3 months - 3 years and long-term goals are 10+ years. Goals are organized/listed by length of time required.

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Create an Action Plan for Each Goal

How are you going to accomplish this goal? What actionable steps can you take (1-3 steps) and how often and for how long will you dedicate time to each actionable step? What time of day is best for each actionable step? Morning? Midday? Night?

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Translate Each Action Plan Into Your Weekly Schedule

The app will automatically organize your weekly schedule according to your action plans, one action plan at a time, until you've filled your schedule with things to do that really matter! Each dream has its own, color-coded calendar with the scheduled action plans associated with that dream.

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Image of Action Life Management running on an iPhone 15 Pro Max
Image of Action Life Management running on an iPhone 15 Pro Max
Image of Action Life Management running on an iPhone 15 Pro Max


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